1. 卢拉拯救亚马逊的宏伟计划与现实发生冲突 Lula’s ambitious plans to save the Amazon clash with reality (www.economist.com)
3. 想为乌克兰的战争努力做出贡献吗?在这些游戏中,你可以 Want to contribute to Ukraine’s war effort? In these games you can (www.economist.com)
6. 理查德-莫斯记录了巴西亚马逊地区的隐秘战争 Richard Mosse documents the hidden war in the Brazilian Amazon (www.economist.com)
7. 一个推销员的死亡:西尔维奥-贝卢斯科尼|《经济学家》杂志社的情报,请点击Acast Death of a salesman: Silvio Berlusconi | The Intelligence from The Economist on Acast (play.acast.com)
9. 西尔维奥-贝卢斯科尼:他的丑闻和他的支持者从未消失过 Silvio Berlusconi: his scandals and his supporters never went away (www.economist.com)
10. 基督教的加利福尼亚人可能有办法解决美国的肥胖问题 Christian Californians may have a solution to America’s obesity (www.economist.com)
11. "金伯利-阿金博 "和 "利奥波德斯塔特 "在托尼奖上取得了胜利 “Kimberly Akimbo” and “Leopoldstadt” triumphed at the Tony Awards (www.economist.com)
15. 理查德-巴伦斯爵士谈围绕乌克兰反攻的更广泛安全考虑 Sir Richard Barrons on the broader security considerations around Ukraine’s counter-offensive (www.economist.com)
16. 印度的侨民比历史上任何时候都更大、更有影响力 India’s diaspora is bigger and more influential than any in history (www.economist.com)
17. 中国在东南亚的影响力已经增长。美国的影响力已经减弱 China’s influence in South-East Asia has grown. America’s has waned (www.economist.com)
19. 可憎的表演者:瓦格纳的叶夫根尼-普里戈津的崛起 Abominable showman: the rise of Wagner’s Yevgeny Prigozhin (www.economist.com)
20. 赚取,等待:乌克兰的试探性推动--《经济学人》杂志社的情报 Gain, wait: Ukraine’s tentative push | The Intelligence from The Economist on Acast (play.acast.com)
21. 在Mehran Tamadon的新电影中,伊朗人记得他们的酷刑 In Mehran Tamadon’s new films, Iranians remember their torture (www.economist.com)
23. 一部百老汇音乐剧更新了 "Some Like It Hot"。 A Broadway musical updates “Some Like It Hot” (www.economist.com)
25. 在中国做生意对外国人来说是否变得不可能? Is doing business in China becoming impossible for foreigners? (www.economist.com)
27. 乌克兰正从多个方向进行反击,结果喜忧参半 Ukraine is counter-attacking in multiple directions, with mixed results (www.economist.com)
28. 享受灵活的福利和更低的价格 | 经济学家 Enjoy flexible benefits and lower prices | The Economist (subscribenow.economist.com)
29. 伊拉克民兵正在模仿他们在伊朗的强势表亲 The Iraqi militias are copying their overmighty cousins in Iran (www.economist.com)
31. 中国对基因数据的看守是对科学研究的拖累 China’s guarding of genetic data is a drag on scientific research (www.economist.com)
33. 南方浸信会信徒正在争论男性权威的程度 Southern Baptists are arguing about the extent of male authority (www.economist.com)
36. 草根计划如何帮助英格兰的非白人板球运动员 How grassroots schemes are helping England’s non-white cricketers (www.economist.com)
40. 不道德的城市在一个动荡的地缘政治时代蓬勃发展 Amoral cities are flourishing in a turbulent geopolitical era (www.economist.com)
41. 博茨瓦纳,一个非洲的成功故事,看起来越来越不特殊了 Botswana, an African success story, looks ever less exceptional (www.economist.com)
44. 一家芬兰公司认为它可以将工业碳排放减少三分之一 A Finnish firm thinks it can cut industrial carbon emissions by a third (www.economist.com)
46. TIM公司的大规模分拆揭示了欧洲电信业的情况 What TIM’s mega-spin-off reveals about Europe’s telecoms industry (www.economist.com)
50. 板球的最佳投手被他的国家视为多余的人 Cricket’s best bowler is considered superfluous by his country (www.economist.com)
51. 有人能击败唐纳德-特朗普获得共和党提名吗? Can anyone beat Donald Trump to the Republican nomination? (www.economist.com)
52. 钴,一种关键的电池材料,突然变得超级丰富了 Cobalt, a crucial battery material, is suddenly superabundant (www.economist.com)
54. 如何看待关于古巴将建立中国间谍基地的报道 What to make of reports that Cuba will host a Chinese spy base (www.economist.com)
58. 爆炸的大坝已经淹没了赫尔松。许多人疲惫不堪,无法离开 The exploded dam has flooded Kherson. Many are too exhausted to leave (www.economist.com)
60. 无性繁殖比科学家认为的更普遍 Reproduction without sex is more common than scientists thought (www.economist.com)
61. 一项新的研究问道,赛马是否已经达到了它们的遗传高峰 A new study asks whether racehorses have hit their genetic peak (www.economist.com)
62. 乌克兰在扎波罗热的攻击可能是其进攻的重点 Ukraine’s assault in Zaporizhia may be the focus of its offensive (www.economist.com)
65. 监管机构使美国加密货币行业的未来受到质疑 Regulators put the future of America’s crypto industry in doubt (www.economist.com)
71. 债务上限谈判后,美国面临债务洪流 After debt-ceiling negotiations, America faces a debt deluge (www.economist.com)
72. 被起诉了:特朗普的最新起诉书 --《经济学人》杂志社的情报工作 Charged up: Trump’s latest indictment | The Intelligence from The Economist on Acast (play.acast.com)
73. 美国可能在几年内看到一个新的宪法会议 America might see a new constitutional convention in a few years (www.economist.com)
76. 特朗普的最新起诉是迄今为止最严重的一次。他还能竞选总统吗? Trump’s latest indictment is the most serious yet. Can he still run for president? (www.economist.com)
77. 曼城对阵国际米兰是欧洲冠军联赛历史上最一边倒的决赛 Man City v Inter Milan is the most lopsided final in Champions League history (www.economist.com)
78. 维拉-普提娜声称是弗拉基米尔-普京的亲生母亲 Vera Putina claimed to be Vladimir Putin’s real mother (www.economist.com)
84. 加利福尼亚州可能在向奴隶的后裔支付赔偿金上打折扣 California may punt on paying reparations to the descendants of slaves (www.economist.com)
87. 大坝倒塌后,俄罗斯控制的地区已被遗弃 After the dam collapse, Russian-controlled areas have been abandoned (www.economist.com)
90. 勒伊拉-斯利马尼的新小说范围从法国到摩洛哥 Leïla Slimani’s new novel ranges from France to Morocco (www.economist.com)
92. 关于美国最高法院权力的两本令人震惊的书 Two alarming books on the power of America’s Supreme Court (www.economist.com)
93. 加州的赔偿计划是糟糕的政策和更糟糕的政治 California’s reparations scheme is bad policy and worse politics (www.economist.com)
95. 乌克兰地面部队的负责人奥列克桑德-赛尔斯基是谁? Who is Oleksandr Syrsky, the head of Ukraine’s ground forces? (www.economist.com)
96. 最高法院称阿拉巴马州的选举地图是歧视性的 The Supreme Court says Alabama’s electoral map is discriminatory (www.economist.com)
97. 阿尔巴尼亚的一个博物馆旨在纪念一段痛苦的历史 A museum in Albania aims to commemorate a painful past (www.economist.com)
99. 一种微小的古人类可能具有令人惊讶的聪明才智 A tiny, ancient hominin may have been surprisingly clever (www.economist.com)
102. 昂贵的气候规则正在使德国人远离绿党 Costly climate rules are turning Germans away from the Greens (www.economist.com)
106. 没有可汗的事:巴基斯坦插手的军队|《经济学家》杂志社的情报工作,请点击Acast No Khan do: Pakistan’s meddling army | The Intelligence from The Economist on Acast (play.acast.com)
108. 巴基斯坦爱管闲事的军队正试图让伊姆兰-汗保持沉默 Pakistan’s meddling army is trying to silence Imran Khan (www.economist.com)
115. 乌克兰卡霍夫卡大坝的破损可能会影响到一座核电站 How the breach of Ukraine’s Kakhovka dam could affect a nuclear plant (www.economist.com)
116. 金-达罗克谈美国和英国的 "特殊关系" Kim Darroch on the “special relationship” between America and Britain (www.economist.com)
120. 不是昨天才出生的:世界人口老龄化|《经济学人》杂志社的《情报》在Acast上的报道 Not born yesterday: the world’s ageing population | The Intelligence from The Economist on Acast (play.acast.com)
122. 苹果公司的Vision Pro是一台不可思议的机器。现在来看看它是用来做什么的 Apple’s Vision Pro is an incredible machine. Now to find out what it is for (www.economist.com)
126. 哥伦比亚大学是最新陷入排名丑闻的大学 Columbia is the latest university caught in a rankings scandal (www.economist.com)
128. 尽管发生了车祸,但印度铁路的安全记录令人印象深刻 Despite a crash, Indian railways have an impressive safety record (www.economist.com)
129. 苹果的Vision Pro是一个技术奇迹。会有人买吗? Apple’s Vision Pro is a technical marvel. Will anyone buy it? (www.economist.com)
130. 困扰着迈克-彭斯和克里斯-克里斯蒂的坏习惯 The bad bind bedevilling Mike Pence and Chris Christie (www.economist.com)
131. 大坝和爆炸:乌克兰发起反攻|《经济学家》杂志社的情报资料在Acast上 Dam and blast: Ukraine launches counter-offensive | The Intelligence from The Economist on Acast (play.acast.com)
132. 巨大的爆炸破坏了乌克兰南部的卡霍夫卡大坝 Huge explosions breach the Kakhovka dam in southern Ukraine (www.economist.com)
133. 乌克兰的反攻已经开始,而这不是西方所期望的那样 Ukraine’s counter-offensive has begun, and it’s not what the West expected (www.economist.com)
137. 从太空中可以看到乌克兰对顿涅茨克和扎波罗热的推进情况 Ukrainian advances on Donetsk and Zaporizhia can be seen from space (www.economist.com)
139. 一个巨大的乌克兰公墓等待着反攻的伤亡人员 A vast Ukrainian cemetery awaits the casualties of the counter-offensive (www.economist.com)
141. 香格里拉的麻烦:中美关系紧张升级|《经济学人》杂志社的情报,请点击Acast。 Trouble in Shangri-La: Sino-American tensions escalate | The Intelligence from The Economist on Acast (play.acast.com)
142. 中国和美国为什么不会谈?香格里拉对话的余波 Why won’t China and America just talk? Fallout from the Shangri-La Dialogue (www.economist.com)
150. 在整个富裕的世界里,年轻人正在失去对汽车的热爱 Throughout the rich world, the young are falling out of love with cars (www.economist.com)
153. 珍妮-埃尔彭贝克的新小说讲述了在摇摇欲坠的东德的恋人。 Jenny Erpenbeck’s new novel follows lovers in crumbling East Germany (www.economist.com)
159. 50°C的温度将在地中海周围变得更加普遍 Temperatures of 50°C will become much more common around the Mediterranean (www.economist.com)
160. 美国将难以支付超昂贵的基因疗法的费用 America will struggle to pay for ultra-expensive gene therapies (www.economist.com)
164. 蚊子、黄蜂和寄生虫可能有助于减少注射的痛苦 Mosquitoes, wasps and parasitic worms could help make injections less painful (www.economist.com)
169. 对巧克力的需求导致了比人们意识到的更多的非法毁林行为 Demand for chocolate causes more illegal deforestation than people realise (www.economist.com)
174. 美国暂停偿还学生贷款的做法是个坏主意 The moratorium on repaying student loans in America was a bad idea (www.economist.com)
175. 无人机警察会使美国的警务工作更安全,还是只是更有侵扰性? Will drone cops make American policing safer or just more intrusive? (www.economist.com)
177. 在一个新的展览中,汉娜-盖兹比瞄准了巴勃罗-毕加索 In a new exhibition, Hannah Gadsby takes aim at Pablo Picasso (www.economist.com)
179. 她自己的联盟:谢赫-哈西娜对孟加拉国的控制|《经济学人》杂志社的《情报》在Acast上的报道 League of her own: Sheikh Hasina’s grip on Bangladesh | The Intelligence from The Economist on Acast (play.acast.com)
183. 谢赫-哈西娜对孟加拉国的铁腕控制可能还会扼杀其值得称赞的进步。 Sheikh Hasina’s iron grip on Bangladesh may yet strangle its laudable progress (www.economist.com)
185. 尼基-海利,像其他长枪短炮一样,看到了一条通往胜利的道路 Nikki Haley, like other long shots, sees a path to victory (www.economist.com)
186. 澳大利亚和加拿大是一个经济体--有一套缺陷 Australia and Canada are one economy—with one set of flaws (www.economist.com)
187. 新的研究有助于解释为什么中国的低生育率被卡住了 New research helps explain why China’s low birth rates are stuck (www.economist.com)
189. 在苏格兰民族党占主导地位的十年后,苏格兰的政治突然处于变化之中 After a decade of SNP dominance, Scotland’s politics is suddenly in flux (www.economist.com)
193. 海湾地区的商业家庭需要现代的继承法 Business families in the Gulf need modern laws of inheritance (www.economist.com)
197. 移民正在改变德克萨斯州中部的烧烤业,使其变得更好 Immigrants are changing Central Texas barbecue for the better (www.economist.com)
198. 伊朗将其核计划置于美国炸弹的攻击范围之外 Iran puts its nuclear programme beyond the reach of American bombs (www.economist.com)
201. 卢拉与委内瑞拉的独裁者尼古拉斯-马杜罗交好 Lula cosies up to Nicolás Maduro, Venezuela’s autocrat (www.economist.com)
204. 温妮-马迪基泽拉-曼德拉一直受到历史修正主义的影响 Winnie Madikizela-Mandela has been subject to historical revisionism (www.economist.com)
206. 欧洲向乌克兰和其他邻国展示了团结的力量 Europe makes a show of unity with Ukraine and other neighbours (www.economist.com)
207. Aleksander Kulisiewicz保存了纳粹集中营的音乐 Aleksander Kulisiewicz preserved the music of the Nazi camps (www.economist.com)
208. Dara Massicot认为,俄罗斯的武装部队面临着双重人事危机 Dara Massicot believes that Russia faces twin personnel crises in its armed forces (www.economist.com)
209. 人工智能的蓬勃发展使英伟达的财富大增。它能保持其地位吗? The AI boom has turbocharged Nvidia’s fortunes. Can it hold its position? (www.economist.com)
211. 死亡的痛苦:乌干达的反LGBT法|《经济学家》杂志社的情报。 On pain of death: Uganda’s anti-LGBT law | The Intelligence from The Economist on Acast (play.acast.com)
212. 乌干达恶毒的反同性恋法律反映了外国的影响--但不是该国同性恋者所谴责的影响。 Uganda’s vicious anti-LGBT law reflects foreign influences—but not ones the country’s homophobes decry (www.economist.com)
214. 告密者是好是坏?"现实 "让观众决定 Are whistleblowers good or bad? “Reality” lets viewers decide (www.economist.com)
215. 全球生育率已经崩溃,带来深刻的经济后果 Global fertility has collapsed, with profound economic consequences (www.economist.com)
216. 美国避免了金融末日,但却停留在财政地狱中 America avoids financial Armageddon but stays in fiscal hell (www.economist.com)
218. 世界石油价格基准正在进行彻底的改革 The world’s oil-price benchmark is being radically reformed (www.economist.com)
221. 廉价的单剂量HPV疫苗可以拯救数百万人的生命 Cheap, single-dose HPV vaccines could save millions of lives (www.economist.com)
222. 苏丹最臭名昭著的反叛分子领导人,即赫梅蒂的下一步是什么? What next for Sudan’s most notorious rebel leader, known as Hemedti? (www.economist.com)
223. 如何让雷杰普-塔伊普-埃尔多安的连任不再是坏消息 How to make the re-election of Recep Tayyip Erdogan less bad news (www.economist.com)
228. 第二次世界大战把冲绳变成了一个墓地。现在它进入了中国的视野 The second world war turned Okinawa into a graveyard. Now it’s in China’s sights (www.economist.com)
229. 一场对性别意识形态的反击正在大学里展开 A backlash against gender ideology is starting in universities (www.economist.com)
230. 债务人的棱镜:非洲日益严重的贷款危机|《经济学人》杂志社Acast的情报报道 Debtors’ prism: mounting crises of Africa’s loans | The Intelligence from The Economist on Acast (play.acast.com)
231. 非洲日益严重的债务危机的根源和摆脱困境的途径 The roots of, and routes out of, Africa’s mounting debt crises (www.economist.com)
233. 医疗保健已经从VR中受益 your browser does not support the video tag.Health care is already benefiting from VR (www.economist.com)
236. 韩国的住房紧缩为其他国家提供了一个警告 South Korea’s housing crunch offers a warning for other countries (www.economist.com)
237. 了解硅谷历史的五本最佳书籍 The five best books for understanding Silicon Valley’s history (www.economist.com)
238. 这不仅仅是财政上的惨败:老龄化经济体的创新也在减少 It’s not just a fiscal fiasco: greying economies also innovate less (www.economist.com)
239. 伊朗的宗教领袖拥有 "随叫随到 "的核弹 Iran’s religious leaders have nuclear bombs “on demand” (www.economist.com)
240. 波兰政府建立了一个有权禁止人们从政的委员会 Poland’s government creates a commission with the power to bar people from politics (www.economist.com)
241. 俄罗斯在入侵乌克兰的过程中花费了多少钱? How much is Russia spending on its invasion of Ukraine? (www.economist.com)
242. "堕落的剖析》是一部引人入胜的侦探小说,在戛纳电影节上获奖 “Anatomy of a Fall”, a riveting whodunnit, wins at Cannes (www.economist.com)
243. 兑现:数字支付革命|《经济学人》杂志社的情报,来自Acast Cash out: the digital-payments revolution | The Intelligence from The Economist on Acast (play.acast.com)
247. 中国小镇的官员正在通过音乐节赚钱 Small-town Chinese officials are making money with music festivals (www.economist.com)
249. Nvidia不是唯一在人工智能淘金热中套现的公司 Nvidia is not the only firm cashing in on the AI gold rush (www.economist.com)
253. 埃尔多安在土耳其赢得总统选举表明他已经有了多大的权力 Erdogan’s presidential win in Turkey shows just how much power he already had (www.economist.com)
256. 雷杰普-塔伊普-埃尔多安再次当选为土耳其总统 Recep Tayyip Erdogan is re-elected as Turkey’s president (www.economist.com)
257. 众议院共和党人在将亨特-拜登的活动与Joe House Republicans are no closer to tying Hunter Biden’s activities to Joe (www.economist.com)
260. 美国的债务上限协议意味着它现在应该避免大决战 America’s debt-ceiling deal means it should now avoid Armageddon (www.economist.com)
261. 可悲的小男孩:对英国寄宿学校的反击 Sad little boys: the backlash against Britain’s boarding schools (www.economist.com)
262. 日本的温泉胜地正在阻挠地热能源厂的发展 Japan’s hot-spring resorts are blocking geothermal energy plants (www.economist.com)
263. 雷杰普-塔伊普-埃尔多安被认为将赢得土耳其总统大选 Recep Tayyip Erdogan is favoured to win Turkey’s presidential election (www.economist.com)
264. 女总统、第三方希望者、节目如何制作:回答听众的疑问 Female presidents, third-party hopefuls, how the show gets made: answers to listeners’ queries (www.economist.com)
265. 迎接宾亚明-内塔尼亚胡有争议的改革的炒作者 Meet the hype-man for Binyamin Netanyahu’s controversial reforms (www.economist.com)
266. 英国选民希望有更多的移民,但希望减少移民人数 British voters want more immigrants but less immigration (www.economist.com)
270. 提高业绩的兴奋剂对经济增长意味着什么 What performance-enhancing stimulants mean for economic growth (www.economist.com)
271. 在哈维尔-马里亚斯的最后一部小说中,一名特工面对他的良知 In Javier Marías’s final novel, an agent confronts his conscience (www.economist.com)
272. 英国的半导体战略显示了该国所处的困境 Britain’s semiconductor strategy shows the bind the country is in (www.economist.com)
273. Ciaran Martin认为,网络空间终于变得更安全了,尽管是不均衡的。 Ciaran Martin argues that cyberspace is finally, if unevenly, getting safer (www.economist.com)
278. 日本的老龄化社会正在寻找创造性的方法来处理其死者 Japan’s ageing society is finding creative ways to dispose of its dead (www.economist.com)
282. 俄罗斯对乌克兰的导弹攻击一直没有效果 Russia’s missile attacks on Ukraine have been ineffective (www.economist.com)
283. 奥古斯特-威尔逊过去和现在都是美国黑人生活的吟游诗人 August Wilson was and remains a bard of black life in America (www.economist.com)
285. 人工大脑正在帮助科学家研究真实的东西 Artificial brains are helping scientists study the real thing (www.economist.com)
286. 唐纳德-特朗普的审判和共和党初选将如何交锋 How Donald Trump’s trials and the Republican primary will intersect (www.economist.com)
288. 在罗伊法案结束后的三个月内,输精管切除术增加了29%。 Vasectomies rose by 29% in the three months after the end of Roe (www.economist.com)
289. 非洲政府称信用评级机构对其有偏见 African governments say credit-rating agencies are biased against them (www.economist.com)
290. "完美陷阱 "谴责其所谓的 "隐藏的流行病" “The Perfection Trap” decries what it calls a “hidden epidemic” (www.economist.com)
292. 雷杰普-塔伊普-埃尔多安将赢得土耳其的总统选举 Recep Tayyip Erdogan is set to win Turkey’s presidential election (www.economist.com)
294. 为了生存,英国的NHS必须停止对医院护理的固守 To survive, Britain’s NHS must stop fixating on hospital care (www.economist.com)
296. 临床试验的速度太慢,成本太高--如何解决这个问题? Clinical trials are too slow and too costly—here is how to fix them (www.economist.com)
298. 由人工智能制作的艺术正在形成自己的风格 Art made by artificial intelligence is developing a style of its own (www.economist.com)
299. 俄罗斯的教训:新的和改进的战争策略|《经济学人》杂志社在Acast上的情报报道 Russian lessons: new and improved war tactics | The Intelligence from The Economist on Acast (play.acast.com)
300. 卢拉希望清除巴西的Jair Bolsonaro的影响 Lula wants to purge Brazil of Jair Bolsonaro’s influence (www.economist.com)